Hello world!
Yes, very puny for you computer scientists (for you others, a program that prints "Hello world!" is the first program in the original book by Kernihan and Ritchie on the C programming language...).
I'm Kevin Morgan and for over two years I've been managing product R&D (and support and training development and now professional services) here at Arxan Technologies. We specialize in application software protection; protection from what you ask? Protection from reverse engineering to steal your intellectual property; protection from tampering to unlock features that customers haven't paid for or are not allowed to access; protection from tampering to break license management or activation so they can run the software without paying for it; protection from tampering so they can steal unencrypted digital content. Protection from tampering so they can access your company internal business data or intellectual property, or worse yet, to perform illicit financial transactions. The list is literally infinite.
Now they pinned a CTO title on my chest, and among other things, asked me to blog about what's up in the world of software security in general. So here's my first post just to get started, with I'm sure many more (with real content!) to come...
Be blogging at you soon.
-Kevin Morgan
VP of Engineering
Chief Technology Officer (Commercial)